The Roger Ebert article we read in class is quite powerful. Not only does it show a strong will to live, but it shows how even when things go wrong, it does not mean that you should give up. Roger lives his life to the fullest and does not spend every day complaining about what has happened to him. He simply continues to live his life the way he wants to. He continues to watch movies, write reviews, and tell his life story on his blog.
I wish everyone had the will that Roger Ebert has. If we did, there would be a lot less complaining in the world. We should be thankful for what we have, and concentrate on having a great life.
To view the article click here.
12 years ago
Eric, I must say, even if most people were like Roger Ebert, the amount of complaints in the world would not be affected by this factor. The issue with Roger Ebert does not exactly surround grievance; it basically encompasses the undeterred will of the human mind. We, as human beings, are willing to reach out for whatever we want, and most times, by whichever costs necessary (whether that will be beneficial or not). I'm sure you could find thousands of examples (Gandhi, Hitler, Stalin, Ebert, Hawking, etc.)