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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Loneliness: Something to Bring Us Together

After reading two posts of Roger Ebert's online journal about loneliness, we were given an assignment to make a blog post on it.  When I was first ready to write something, I found myself stuck.  I could think of only three things to write, an elaboration on the definition of loneliness, a recycling of Ebert's comments, or a combination of the two.

Later, when I thought about it again, a new, better idea popped into my head.  Since there are so many lonely people, then isn't loneliness something that these people have in common and could potentially bring them together?  Perhaps I am over-analyzing this, but I believe that it is a sound idea.

These people that do not want to be alone, could ideally, have very compatible chemistry for both friendship and/or companionship.  Not only would it solve the problem of loneliness for the two now friends, it could help and/or even encourage them to go out into the world and make more friends.  In turn, they would then participate more in society.  So, in their own way, loneliness could be the catalyst for these people to have a successful and good life.

A song that comes to my mind is Eleanor Rigby by The Beatles:

To read the Roger Ebert's post about loneliness click here and to read his continuation post click here.

To go to Roger Ebert's Journal click here.

1 comment:

  1. Eric, I truthfully like the "combination of lonely people" idea. That is most certainly creative and new!
    What I see debatable is the second paragraph, which talks about society and companionship...
