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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Roger Ebert

The Roger Ebert article we read in class is quite powerful.  Not only does it show a strong will to live, but it shows how even when things go wrong, it does not mean that you should give up.  Roger lives his life to the fullest and does not spend every day complaining about what has happened to him.  He simply continues to live his life the way he wants to.  He continues to watch movies, write reviews, and tell his life story on his blog.

I wish everyone had the will that Roger Ebert has.  If we did, there would be a lot less complaining in the world.  We should be thankful for what we have, and concentrate on having a great life.

To view the article click here.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Our current issue...

Currently in class, we are talking about humanity, hope, and the human spirit.  When I think about this topic, the first thing I think of is death, destruction, and how we as a species cannot come to peace with one-another.  If we look to history, we see that humans continually do things that are against being united as one people.

My hope for this chapter is that we will not only explore how things how we do things wrong and how others recover because of those events, but that we can do things to make a difference in the world.  Even if it means helping out a small group of people, we will know that we have made a constructive effort instead of just studying something as we students always do in school.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Hello.  My name is Eric and I am a junior at Northern Burlington High School in New Jersey.  I am creating this blog as a part of my Gifted and Talented 2 class.  Our class is creating blogs to update each other on what we are studying and and so that we can comment each other.  Hopefully my blog will give you a perspective into what we are doing in class and thank you for and comments you can give.